Preparing to rent your home
in North Cyprus
Preparing Your Home to be a Rental
The content should be used as a guide and modified as necessary.
Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at
your own risk. If you are having a difficult time selling your home or
other property, renting your property is an excellent way to make a
profit, and assure maintenance of the property. Here are some
thoughts to consider before you rent. This list will help you prioritize
your efforts when turning your home into a rental property.
Personal Property
Remove all of the stuff you have been storing in the property.
Generally, if personal property is in the home or on the grounds,
it is considered part of the lease and subject to tenants use. Think
about what you want or need to leave for tenants use. Clearing
out nonessential clutter will improve the appearance of the property
for advertising photos and will make it look better for showings.
Clean, Clean, Clean
Once all of your belonging are removed, begin the cleaning process.
You may need to hire professional carpet cleaners and a house
cleaning service to get the work done in a reasonable time. Dust
bunnies, dirty windows, and soiled carpeting will turn off most
responsible tenants and give you a reputation as a slumlord.
An immaculate home will give the most positive impression, attract
the best renters, provide the highest rent, and will be the easiest to
evaluate when the tenants move out.
Curb Appeal
Your property should be as attractive from the road as possible, and
minor inexpensive cosmetic touch-ups will enhance your property.
Clean out the weeds from the flowerbeds and fence line, trim the
grass, and wash the siding. Painting the entryway walls and oiling the
woodwork will add an attractive sparkle to your home and make it
appear new and bright.
Try to imagine looking at your home for the first time. Would you
want to live there? Are there curling shingles on the roof, broken
windows, leaking faucets, peeling wallpaper, or door locks that do
not work? Make sure that the appliances, heating and ventilation
systems, and plumbing fixtures check out and are clean.
Code Compliance
The easiest way to make sure your property is rent-ready is to hire
an independent licensed home inspector. The inspector should be
aware of your plans about making the home a rental property. He
will then assess all systems of the property to make sure they are
up to code. This assurance will be welcome news.
Landlord Insurance
Your rental property is an important investment and source of
income. If there were a kitchen fire or storm damages, your home
may become uninhabitable. Landlord insurance coverage helps
provide an income while the property is being repaired or rebuilt.
You can add policies or riders to pay for debris removal, tree and
plant replacement, and even fire department charges.
Real Property Management
is the nation’s leading property management business. We wrote the
book on how to turn a property into a viable and reliable source of
income; it is what we do. Give us a call or visit our Real Property
Management website for expert advice and professional property
management services.